Raspberry Pi 64 bit but faster

Hi in the last post I started using Raspberry Pi 4 as desktop replacement, but something was missing. On my main PC I’m using Manjaro Linux with i3 window manager. There are a lot of advantages of tiling window manager, especially on low hardware which is Raspberry Pi, but not to take your time I … Read more

Raspberry Pi 64 bit Desktop Replacement

Intro Hi all. For this post I wanted to try and test the new Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit version and see Raspberry Pi desktop replacement. For any other project I think that 32 bit version of Raspberry Pi OS is fine, but if the task is Desktop Replacement I think that Raspberry Pi 64 … Read more

Backup WordPress Site with Virtual Machine

Intro Hi all. In this post, I will do something different and that is to backup the WordPress site with Virtual Machine. I’m planning to create VM inside VirtualBox and install Ubuntu Server 20.04. Then I need to install WordPress on that VM and via plugin clone the complete site from BlueHost to my local … Read more

Start with Linux Manjaro 2022 part 2

Introduction and purpose Hi all. So, after the last post in the Start with Linux Manjaro 2022 series I wanted to reinstall Manjaro KDE on my personal laptop. Laptop is a bit older HP Envy x360 with first gen Ryzen APU. I have everything working on Gnome side by some little details bother me, especially … Read more

Don’t throw away your old Laptop! Make MagicMirror instead

Hi all. Do you have an old laptop that is just collecting dust? Maybe it’s not working properly. Audio out not working, some keyboard keys, trackpad, overheating, hard disk not working… You don’t know why you didn’t throw that laptop a long time away, but it is still collecting dust. So, please don’t throw away … Read more

STM32 on Linux in 2021

Hi all. In recent months I wanted to restart one of my older project, CNC plotter done with stepper motors from old CD drives and controlled with STM32 microcontroller and because of that I needed to get myself familiar again with SMT32 microcontroller and it’s IDE. And with a little twist. I wanted to do … Read more

Alacritty in Pop!_OS

In this post we will play with Alacritty in PopOS and then test it against GNOME terminal. But, what is Alacritty? What is Alacritty?  Alacritty is the fastest terminal emulator in existence. Using the GPU for rendering enables optimizations that simply aren’t possible without it. Alacritty currently supports macOS, Linux, BSD, and Windows. From Alacritty … Read more

LoL on Pop OS

Hi all. You switched to Pop OS! and now what? You can start developing code and start your work very easily, but what after hard work? How can you relax and play some games? How hard is to play LoL on Pop OS!. Check out my other post on how to customize Pop OS! on … Read more

LaTeX in Linux

Introduction What is Latex? LaTeX – A document preparation system LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting system; it includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation. LaTeX is the de facto standard for the communication and publication of scientific documents. LaTeX is available as free software. Definition from latex-project.org That is OK, but … Read more

Customize Pop OS! 20.04

Hi all, I spend some time to customize Pop OS! 20.04. and to document that process, so let me show you what I was able to do. Install Gnome Tweaks Tool Pop OS! 20.04 usage Gnome desktop environment, so if we want to do some customization this is a good place to start. Simply type … Read more