Things to do after installing Pop OS! 20.04

Hi all. You installed Pop OS! 20.04 (, and you are now wondering what to do next. I have prepared a list of things to do after the clean install of Pop OS! 20.04 as my customization process. Without further ado, let’s start with things to do after installing Pop OS! 20.04. Things to do … Read more

GIT GUI for Linux

Hi all. I want to share with you my search for the best Git GUI for Linux. My journey with git started 5 years ago at my first job, when I learned how to use git form bash. In rest of my developer career, I started using Windows and LabVIEW and naturally I started using … Read more

Dual Boot Pop!_OS and Windows 10

Hi all. So you tried Pop OS! 20.04 ( and now you want to install Pop OS! alongside Windows 10. This will show you how to dual boot Pop OS! and Windows 10. Short overview: And I must add. Please be careful with this process. Formatting the wrong partition can cause you to lose all … Read more

How to connect to AWS EC2 Instance from Windows 10 and Linux

Hi all. Do you want to start with web development and/or developing Rest Full database? Maybe the AWS (Amazon Web Service) is good way to start. There are a lot of Amazon Services, but for this blog we are focusing on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud or Amazon EC2 and how to connect to AWS EC2. … Read more

How to Play Old Games on Android in 2020

Hi all. Couple a weeks age I created a how to video and blog post on how to play old games on Linux in 2020 ( This was very fun experiment for me especially because I could play my favorite old game, Aladdin on Linux. But, not everyone is comfortable enough with Linux, and on … Read more

How to Play Old Games on Linux in 2020

Hi all. In this strange time and with a lot of extra time I was thinking how old games were fun to play. When I say old, I mean old, old. Games played on DoS. So I wondered, is there an easy way to play these games on today’s hardware. Answer is yes, and in … Read more

How to Develop C++ projects in Manjaro

How to Develop C++ projects in Manjaro? In this post I will document my process and I’m asking you, do you have some better solution?  For C++ development we need two things:  C++ compiler  Some kind of development IDE  Compile and Run C++ project in Command line In theory, we only need C++ compiler and … Read more

Clone HDD to smaller SSD on Linux

Starting point How to speed up your old Windows laptop? Simply, install Linux and upgrade hard drive to solid state drive. First, let’s try Linux. My choice of Linux flavor is Ubuntu 18.04. It is currently installed on old HP Compaq nc6400 ( After installation of Ubuntu on laptops larger HDD (Toshiba 1TB), we can … Read more