Maximizing the ESP32’s Potential with ThingSpeak and MQTT IoT Protocol

How to send data from your IoT project to the cloud? Is there some free solution for prototyping porpoise on which you can grow later if you decide? Maybe ThingSpeak is a good solution and can be a good way to send IoT data to Cloud. So let us begin. In IoT (Internet of Things) … Read more

Best Internet of Things development board

Hi All. After writing my last post I was researching M5Stack company a bit more and I think that I have decided that in my mind M5Stack Core2 development board can be one of the best Internet of things development boards in the market. And here me why? Almost finish product M5Stack Core2 is actually … Read more

How to add ESP32 to KiCad

Hi all, in this post, we will add a new schematic symbol, PCB footprint, and 3D model view for the ESP32 variant. There are some ESP32s included in the default KiCad library, but the variant that I would like to use, the ESP32-S2-Wroom model isn’t. You can find the datasheet for ESP32-S2-WROOM at the next … Read more

How to connect to AWS EC2 Instance from Windows 10 and Linux

Hi all. Do you want to start with web development and/or developing Rest Full database? Maybe the AWS (Amazon Web Service) is good way to start. There are a lot of Amazon Services, but for this blog we are focusing on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud or Amazon EC2 and how to connect to AWS EC2. … Read more