Backup WordPress Site with Virtual Machine

Intro Hi all. In this post, I will do something different and that is to backup the WordPress site with Virtual Machine. I’m planning to create VM inside VirtualBox and install Ubuntu Server 20.04. Then I need to install WordPress on that VM and via plugin clone the complete site from BlueHost to my local … Read more

Project Led Clock part 3

First prototype Hi all. At the end of this post, we will have a working first prototype of LED WiFi clock using esp8266. So, in the first two parts of this project led clock series we installed IDE, and learned who to set up the Wifi manager. In this post we will cover the last … Read more

Project RGB Led Wifi Clock part 2

Hi all. ln this post I would like to go a bit in detail about what is actually ws2812b. How does this work for us in order to create full addressable RGB clock? Check this first part for RGB Led Wifi Clock at the next link. So lets begin. Datasheets There are a couple of … Read more

Don’t throw away your old Laptop! Make MagicMirror instead

Hi all. Do you have an old laptop that is just collecting dust? Maybe it’s not working properly. Audio out not working, some keyboard keys, trackpad, overheating, hard disk not working… You don’t know why you didn’t throw that laptop a long time away, but it is still collecting dust. So, please don’t throw away … Read more

STM32 on Linux in 2021

Hi all. In recent months I wanted to restart one of my older project, CNC plotter done with stepper motors from old CD drives and controlled with STM32 microcontroller and because of that I needed to get myself familiar again with SMT32 microcontroller and it’s IDE. And with a little twist. I wanted to do … Read more

Finite State Machine with Latex

Hi all. Did you ever wonder what is the best and easiest way to create a beautiful Finite State machine for your documentation? Can this task be done with Latex? In this post I will show you my way of creating a Finite Stare Machine with Latex. A finite-state machine (FSM) or finite-state automaton (FSA, … Read more

Automate Redmine with Python

Hi all. In this post, I will describe my process and motivation to automate Redmine with Python. But, what is Redmine? If you are reading this I guest that you already know but for the rest: Redmine is a flexible project management web application. Written using the Ruby on Rails framework, it is cross-platform and … Read more

Advanced VirtualBox Shared Folder

Hi all. I’m hoping that you are well in this strange time. In this post I will show you different way of setting up Shared Folder between your virtual machine and host PC when using Oracle’s VirtualBox. I will show you how to setup Samba Shared folder between virtual box and host PC. For Advanced … Read more

Customize Pop OS! 20.04

Hi all, I spend some time to customize Pop OS! 20.04. and to document that process, so let me show you what I was able to do. Install Gnome Tweaks Tool Pop OS! 20.04 usage Gnome desktop environment, so if we want to do some customization this is a good place to start. Simply type … Read more

Things to do after installing Pop OS! 20.04

Hi all. You installed Pop OS! 20.04 (, and you are now wondering what to do next. I have prepared a list of things to do after the clean install of Pop OS! 20.04 as my customization process. Without further ado, let’s start with things to do after installing Pop OS! 20.04. Things to do … Read more

GIT GUI for Linux

Hi all. I want to share with you my search for the best Git GUI for Linux. My journey with git started 5 years ago at my first job, when I learned how to use git form bash. In rest of my developer career, I started using Windows and LabVIEW and naturally I started using … Read more

Start with FreeNAS in 2020

Introduction Hi all. Do you have desire to create Windows Share Folder on separate machine or on virtual machine? Can we use FreeNAS in 2020 for this task? Lets check by looking at couple of definitions from Also, in the future blog post I would like to try FreeNAS alternative called Unraid. Is this … Read more

Dual Boot Pop!_OS and Windows 10

Hi all. So you tried Pop OS! 20.04 ( and now you want to install Pop OS! alongside Windows 10. This will show you how to dual boot Pop OS! and Windows 10. Short overview: And I must add. Please be careful with this process. Formatting the wrong partition can cause you to lose all … Read more

How to start with LabVIEW 2020 Community Edition

Hi all. In 2020 National Instrument released, for the first time Community Edition of there flag ship product LabVIEW. Above there is a link to YouTube Video where is shown how to start with LabVIEW 2020 community edition if you are completely new in LabVIEW. As picture can sometimes say more then a thousand words, … Read more

How to connect to AWS EC2 Instance from Windows 10 and Linux

Hi all. Do you want to start with web development and/or developing Rest Full database? Maybe the AWS (Amazon Web Service) is good way to start. There are a lot of Amazon Services, but for this blog we are focusing on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud or Amazon EC2 and how to connect to AWS EC2. … Read more