How to Play Old Games on Android in 2020

Hi all. Couple a weeks age I created a how to video and blog post on how to play old games on Linux in 2020 ( This was very fun experiment for me especially because I could play my favorite old game, Aladdin on Linux. But, not everyone is comfortable enough with Linux, and on … Read more

How to Develop C++ projects in Manjaro

How to Develop C++ projects in Manjaro? In this post I will document my process and I’m asking you, do you have some better solution?  For C++ development we need two things:  C++ compiler  Some kind of development IDE  Compile and Run C++ project in Command line In theory, we only need C++ compiler and … Read more

How to Create Virtual Machines in 2020

Motivation Hi all. I am currently preparing another project that is based around communication via IPv6 protocol on LabVIEW. For that to be possible I needed to setup two VM machines. On a VM machine I need to install Windows 10 and connect together internally. So, I decided that this can be create topic on … Read more

How to make custom Wallpaper with Inkscape in 2020 all, I would like to describe my process for creating custom wallpaper with Inkscape in 2020. But why? Why custom wallpaper when you have countless others online? The main reason is my home PC setup has two monitors. One is oriented in horizontal orientation and second is in vertical, shown on the image below. I … Read more

Clone HDD to smaller SSD on Linux

Starting point How to speed up your old Windows laptop? Simply, install Linux and upgrade hard drive to solid state drive. First, let’s try Linux. My choice of Linux flavor is Ubuntu 18.04. It is currently installed on old HP Compaq nc6400 ( After installation of Ubuntu on laptops larger HDD (Toshiba 1TB), we can … Read more

Using Raspberry Pi as RDP Client

Why do you need RDP client with Raspberry PI? Do you work in a company with a policy of owning desktop PC instead of laptops? Is there also conference room? How can you present or show something from your local desktop PC in the comfort of your conference room? What are your options? You can opt … Read more