How to Play Old Games on Android in 2020

Hi all. Couple a weeks age I created a how to video and blog post on how to play old games on Linux in 2020 ( This was very fun experiment for me especially because I could play my favorite old game, Aladdin on Linux. But, not everyone is comfortable enough with Linux, and on a challenge, I decided to create another tutorial on how to play old games on Android in 2020.

We need to install couple of programs from the Play Store:

Download apps

  • aFreeBox – free DosBox emulator for Android. Just search for DosBox and you will find the aFreeDox
  • GamePad – switch android keyboard with GamePad
  • WinZip – to unzip downloaded game
aFreeBox Emulator

Download Game and extract zip from zip file

Now, when we have everything installed we can download our game. I will go with old Aladdin game :). Open browser on your phone and go to Download the zip file. With WinZip extract zip into the Downloads folder.


Configure GamePad

Open GamePad App and then:

  • Configure Input Methods and enable GamePad as virtual Keyboard
  • Set Current Input Method to change input method to GamePad
  • Go to GamePad Setting to disable DosBox Turbo/XBox 360 and configure GamePad buttons
GamePad App config
Configure Input Methods
Select GamePad in Set Current Input Method
Disable DoxBox Turbo/ XBox 360
Button layout for Aladdin Game

Start Game

Start aFreeBox App and you will get the similar window as on Linux. Default mounted folder is already set to Download folder.

You can switch from GamePad to the keyboard buy swiping across the screen form left to right. Next terminal commands are:

  • cd ALADDIN – go into game directory
  • ALADDIN.EXE – start game

Swipe back to GamePad and enjoy in the game.

Aladdin game with GamePad

Real GamePad

Even if GamePad App works, there is a bit of delay from button press to action. So I tried with my Bluetooth GamePad.

Simply pair your controller with your phone and the open aFreeBox setting within the game.

Open in game setting
Go to Button/Controller Maps

Go to Button/Controller Maps in Settings and create 3 new entries for this Aladdin game. You need to create Controller Map for next actions:

  • to jump
  • to swing the sword
  • through an apple

Select Add Button Mapping. Then press desired button on Bluetooth GamePad and map it to SPACE. Then do same thing for Left Control and Right Alt.

Add Key mapping
Aladdin game key map

Now, only thing left to do is to sit back and enjoy in your favorite old game. This was all for How to Play Old Games on Android in 2020. Add comment bellow, did you manage to run your favorite game on your Android phone? Did you like this kind of how to do post?

Stay safe, and see you in next post.


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